Safety Cross®

Available in multiple options, these quadraspheric lenses diminish sun glare while showing an enhanced reflected image size.

Safety Cross® image

Safety Cross® image

Safety Cross® image

Safety Cross® small image
Safety Cross® small image
Safety Cross® small image

Safety Cross Crossview Mirror

The Safety Cross was built on the success of Mirror Lite's own Bus Boy®. This enhancement of the quadraspherical lens design returns a 15% increase in reflected image size over its predecessor and adds streamlined styling.  Available with fixed mounting or ball stud and heated or non-heated.

Safety Cross®

Part #Description
SC070A1" Black, Non-Htd
SC080A1" Black, Heated
SC080A-IIC Only, Heated
SC250A3/4" Tunnel Mnt, Non-Htd
SC255A3/4" Tunnel Mnt, Htd
SC010ABall Stud, Non-Htd
SC015ABall Stud, Heated